Got shorted a pair of pods, they’re on the way. Biggest pain was the upfitter wires. Mine were opposite from the manual (2020). My hot ones come from behind the big connectors on the harnesses (people seem to refer to these as driver side). The colors that correspond to the switches are:
Yellow 1
Grn/bro 2
Ple/grn 3
Brown 4
Blu/org 5
Ylw/org 6
None of the videos or info I found matched my wires. Which was great.
The harness that came with the SAE pods had a relay and activator/deactivator wires. I had to cut this off and redo the harness as it wouldn’t work with the upfitter no matter which switch I tried.
Overall, not terrible, just time consuming.
Yellow 1
Grn/bro 2
Ple/grn 3
Brown 4
Blu/org 5
Ylw/org 6
None of the videos or info I found matched my wires. Which was great.
The harness that came with the SAE pods had a relay and activator/deactivator wires. I had to cut this off and redo the harness as it wouldn’t work with the upfitter no matter which switch I tried.
Overall, not terrible, just time consuming.