Hi Guys. I have a 2017 raptor that has sunroof issues. I removed the glass and saw the guides are broken. sunroof would make a noise but wouldn't move back or to vent. I was having hard time removing the guides since i couldn't get it to vent mode. although after removing some broke plastic sunroof was going back and forward but still wouldn't go to vent. I started doing sunroof initialization to see if i can get it to vent mode. after going back and forward for hours. right when i was about to give up, it seemed like it went to vent mode. so I managed to get the broken guides off. but that is where it all went even more wrong. I put one guide back into it's place and wanted to test the sunroof. I pressed back, i got no response whatsoever. I pressed vent, got nothing. I press close and I hear just a motor running but nothing is moving. the guide and nothing moves but the motor seems to be running. I tried doing the sunroof initialization and I can't even get that to work anymore. I'm lost at this point. I also realized that maybe when i though i got lucky that it finally vent to vent mode, it wasn't really vent mode. it seems the guide is moved more forward than it looks on the videos i have watched for this case. Any idea what is going on here? why all of a sudden the back and vent button doesn't do anything all? and why close button makes the motor run but the tracks to move at all. and I cant force the track back it seems stuck. I would appreciate any feedback here. Thank you
PS. I do wonder if I did something wrong while i was doing the sunroof initialization and as a result something is off the rails from the motor.
PS. I do wonder if I did something wrong while i was doing the sunroof initialization and as a result something is off the rails from the motor.