Hello! I've been referred to this Forum by a few customers of mine (Disclaimer: I'm in the business of providing you with your Raptors or any other Ford vehicles you might need ) <- Get over it already.
Anyways, I'm 25 and visit a few forums on a regular basis. After hearing good things about this site, I figured I would check it out, troll for a bit and learn what I could about the trucks.
^LOL what up Brother! Good to see you finally make a post after hovering for some time.
Hello. As long as your only intention isn't to make a sale.
Hey Mobile, I know this guy in real life, really chill guy who's actually here to learn more about the trucks and help people make good informed purchasing decisions. Flat out told me straight up, not looking to push Raptors on anyone not knowing what they're getting themselves into. For me, that speaks volumes for anyone who works in the sales industry for these performance trucks.
The funny thing is, my truck is usually just sitting out somewhere on their lot at Koons Ford so that's more than prime marketing example of showing potential owners what they can do with the trucks. It's like they should throw in a free t-shirt or something cause I still laugh when one of the other guys who works at Koons tells me that someone asked about how much "that White truck over there" costs, answer: over the owner's dead body (or as I jokingly say, $100K LOL)
Welcome and you'll learn a lot here! Now if you can work deals near invoice price for the Raptor, you'll really be welcome!!!
^Lol if I can convince him and the dealership owner (cause I know him too, hell the whole damn dealership knows me), I might just have to pick up a 2nd Raptor
Thanks for the welcome. I will keep business out of it.
What the hell is "invoice"
HAHA!!! Ahh... that's a good one. Yep Invoice is basically what it costs Ford to crank these babies out from Dearborn, Michigan (Ford Pickup plant) before MSRP is applied once Dealer allocation works out.