Guess this sound

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Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. We’re hunting sasquatch77
Dec 16, 2016
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I’m glad I didn’t find this one in the morning while sipping my latte. I’d have spit it right out all over the keyboard.

This is my absolute favorite Mustang story.

About 1994 I picked up Kawasaki ZX11 to go with my ’90 GT. I liked to frequent MIR for midnight madness drag racing. In the time trials, it’s run what you brung, and hope you brung enough. In 94-97, the ZX11 was enough. I never lost a time trial run, the only time someone came close was a towed in tubbed, supercharged 454 Chevelle who stuck with me about 2 car lengths back the whole run. I think ran 11.2-ish. So anyway, I’m commuting to work one day and get stopped by the 1 and only traffic light in Accokeek on route 210. 210 has a long, long straightaway that many locals street race on. I’m sitting at the light, with my lunch strapped to the passenger seat of my ZX. up pulls a 5.0 notchback, obviously modded. male driver, female passenger, BIG àss pre-flat screen TV in the trunk. If you think you know where this story is going...

You do.

This guy starts revving his engine to get my attention, points down the road and I shake my helmet no. I don’t want any part of it. He is determined to show me up. I sat at the light patiently with my arms folded across my chest, bike in neutral. Opposite light goes yellow, up go his revs. I’m thinking, no way, he’s not serious. Oh yes he was. He launched like he was being chased by Johnny Law, front end lifted, tires bit, TV in the trunk flies out and shatters all over the pavement right next to me. Female passenger is visibly yelling at male driver. I click into gear, slowly roll past in first, look over and head on to work.