I was never able to get Ford to address it or even diagnose it so I ended up going non-live valve but eventually traded the truck in and got a 24' 801a. As luck would have it, my brand new truck had calibration issues right off the lot, but the dealer was able to get that ironed out after some kicking and screaming (they tried to tell me it was functioning properly when it was clearly stiff as a board). I decided to circumvent the oem livevalve all togerher and put Eclik on the truck, as it has become clear that for an unlucky few of us the oem live valve setup just isn't reliable. I like having the adjustability of the eclik and real time read out of what the solenoids are doing. I haven't had a chance to really excercise it off-road but from everything I've read and seen it should perform better than oem off road as well, so win-win from my perspective.