Block packed up, ready to ship to a guy
@full-race geoff introduced me to… Had to get clever with the hoist to get the block/mains/windage tray into the very heavily reinforced box since I’m working solo:
Dropped it in far enough to take the weight off the chains:
And then moved them to the end to raise it back up to add even more cardboard and dunnage under the end (6+” of stacked cardboard plus packing paper), then dropped it back in with the bellhousing down…guess I forgot to take a picture, LoL.
Regardless, I then flipped it on it’s side, so the windage tray is down/cylinder bores up, and those thin pieces of plywood are on the top and bottom of the container:
I even cut two reinforced lifting holes through the first two layers of corrugated on each end (folded the cardboard inwards and taped all around with gorilla tape).
Also shipping him
a new Gen3 crank and some other bits, including the billet flex plate so it can be balanced along with the crank/rods/pistons assembly.
Once he’s complete, and the heads are finished at Headgames, I’m almost certainly gonna have the heads as well as the built short block then shipped to a third dude (race shop) to assemble the long block and install the timing gear. Just need to figure out how soon boundary’s gonna be able to get their oil pump out…looking more and more like a Melling, or new factory pump and new factory crank gears though.
I could certainly do that last bit myself, but have way too many other irons in the fire right now…and I get the peace of mind knowing it was assembled by a pro.
I’ll still do all the ancillary parts installation (intake manifold, turbos/exhaust manifolds, a/c, etc.) and of course be cleaning up the chassis and upgrading stuff as the parts go back in.
More to follow.