Please don’t.
Honestly, you will be able to more inexpensively and more efficiently be able to lift and pimp an F150 than a Raptor.
Let that Raptor go to a home who will appreciate the truck for what it is - and - what it is not.
2 immediate concerns come to mind.
1) the ride quality will be $hit. it’s going to wander, follow & react to every road imperfection, and you’ll be left with super soft springs / shocks and super stiff tires. bad combo.
2) lifting/leveling is harder on the front suspension and driveline components and they’ll wear faster. They’re not cheap. transfer case, cv, etc are all impacted. You may have no problems, or you may break a hard part. We had a few FRF break parts, were not covered by warranty because of the level. you’re probably out of warranty but just keep in mind this can get pricey.