I am going on a couple years of needing to redo shocks BADLY.
Most of my reason for thinking Gen2 has been all the stories of just swapping to them and being "fine".
As far as my intended use, mostly daily on road driving with a few trips each summer to Silver Lake Sand Dunes. So, I would like to do that without destroying anything if I get a bit out of control

. Knowing the buckets or Mira lowers are what is proper and correct, those are really more cost and labor than what I am after. Read LOTS of internet stories about putting stock Gen1 springs (which I would like to find Geisers when doing the replacement) and top mounts on Gen2s without any trouble. And I am guessing cruising the streets and Starbucks (I don't even drink coffee) would be fine. But my luck says 5 mph too fast through woops at the dunes would be WHOOPS for me. Same internet pros say rears OK without the raised brackets. Those I might swap if that was the only thing needed, but...buckets look like more cost and labor than I will get in return. I have been used to shocks that are only placeholders on the truck since I got it. I am sure that factory replacements will WOW me and I will be overwhelmed. Just hate to pass up an upgrade, especially at a lower cost if it is something easy and (like me) CHEAP
I had not thought about the extra preload on coils, only shortening the travel. My hope is either getting Geisers when I do finally replace shocks, or at least mid perch.
THANKS for the thoughts and input !