I'm in Utah where, unfortunately, installing a front license plate is mandatory. Does anyone know if installing the front license plate has any affect on cooling? If so I'll probably leave it off as long as possible, who knows, maybe the cops don't care...
Don’t. Most will not care, but, there is a substantial contingent of cops who are die hard advocates of traffic enforcement for the sake of traffic enforcement. You’ll be fine for a while until you do one of 2 things.
1) you trip over the local ticket writing competitors
2) you draw the unwanted attention of a cop who would otherwise had left you alone but he/she observed you doing something they don’t approve of. Doesn’t matter if it’s illegal, it matters that they don’t like it.
And it’s an insurance moving violation; works against both points (license) and what you pay for insurance.
don’t fall victim to a chicken shit citation like ‘failure to display front plate’.
I got stopped by a local deputy once who observed me swerve to avoid a knucklehead who cut across 3 lanes of 50mph traffic to make a turn lane at the last minute. Our conversation was brief and ended with us both mutually agreeing there was nothing to see here. I did manage to get him to admit he’d seen the knucklehead gratuitously cut me off.