I'm saying that we will know exactly what every line is code is responsible for, and what every option is for every line of code.
Before we were guessing- looking at one truck and another and figuring out the differences, then finding those same differences in the code. For example, by comparing two 100% identical trucks, you could find the DRL setting by comparing a US truck to a Canadian truck.
There is still a whole bunch of code we have no idea what it does, but that's about to change. They are working on decoding the 15+ trucks, and the 09-14 trucks as well. Some of the full decode has been posted already for at least one module on the 15+ trucks.
What you can and can't do are simply limitations of the hardware itself. If the spotlight hardware can do what you want it to do given the software commands we can send it- then yes- you could do that.
If not, then no. If it's not able to accept a command from it's controlling module that will make it do what you want, no amount of software will change that. For example- you cannot do auto open windows on a 09-14, or autofold mirrors. The power window motor hardware in the 09-14 trucks is not capable of accepting any type of command to make it do that.