I disabled that darn Double Honk when you leave the truck running, exit, and close the door. Man is that IRRITATING AND LOUD! I bought the Canopener gizmo before buying my ForScan programmer. I haven't setup and learned ForScan yet, so I ran the Canopener yesterday. Worked great but it is OVERPRICED for what it does. They have several that disable or enable certain functions but at $149 each too much. I got the Double Honk Disabler for $99 on sale. Its plug and play, no tech knowledge or programming needed. But considering the ForScan costs much less than Canopeners at around $40 at Amazon and can do all the changes, ForScan is the way to go if you dont mind downloading the correct latest Ford software and learning how to program the Raptor.
The Canopener plugs into the OBD port and does the update in about 20 seconds. I did the update, confirmed double honk was gone, then ran it again to turn double honk back on and confirmed.
But when I ran it a 3rd time to turn double honk off again, it wouldn't take. I had to leave the truck, lock it, go in the house then come back out and drive the truck around the block, then plug in the Canopener again. Seems a little finicky...
Anyway, it ran perfectly by not plugging it until after starting the truck with all doors closed. Then plug the Canopener into the OBD Port firmly. It will fast blink a blue LED while updating then turn solid green when done. My dash flashed a Low Brake Fluid warning then did the Doodle Doodle tone 5 times then was done. Best to wait another 5 seconds before 1st pulling the Canopener out of the OBD Port then shutting off the truck before opening the door again.
That darn double honk is GONE now! We have a community gang mailbox down the road and I would always forget to leave the drivers door partly open when I got out to check mail. Or it would get me whenever working on my truck. I'm sure the neighbors just loved it!
I'm looking forward to running ForScan to enable Idle Park Lock (when you exit running truck with key), Bambi Mode for Foglights On with Hi Beam, and Disabling the Seatbelt Dinger.
Aloha, HT