I get you. I am a magnet for black vehicles, to the tune of 8 out of 20. I still have 3 ; one Raptor, one Mustang Dark Horse, one Kawa ZX14. Like you, the deals are usually better - I got my Dark Horse for almost 5k off MSRP when most were paying over by the same amount. She was just a tick more expensive than my ’17 Raptor, but MSRP’d higher. I get wanting Avalanche, it’s a good color you don’t see all the time with the side benefit that the rock chips in the hood don’t show up as bad ;-)
Last 2 times out, I did not want a black vehicle. Not enough to completely rule them out, but enough to see one, keep shopping until I rule out the rest. That’s what I did with the Dark Horse.
Even when she’s filthy from 3 months of no rain, constant dust & covered with pollen, I don’t get the least bid discouraged about my garage content.
I guess it comes down to whether you’re stoked about getting a Rap or you have to have all the things aligned for you to enjoy it. For me, that’s not an issue, but for some people they _must_ have the color they want. I completely understand this, they’re dropping as much money or more than me, so they’re entitled to decide if the color is a deciding factor. If you like the truck do it. But if the color makes that much of a difference to you, then keep your powder dry.
Good luck !