The people who paid a $5k ADM are only a slightly more foolish than the rest of us that still spent $70k on a ******* pickup truck.
I love my Raptor, but it was definitely an indefensible splurge. I take my Raptor offroad a lot and love the capability, but I doubt I went anywhere an XLT couldn't go. (for reference, my cousin took his XLT rental on Hell's Revenge with only minor underside scraping.)
Everyone on this forum is foolish, it is only a matter of degree.
(FYI, I got mine 2017 for MSRP early last year)
So true. I give myself a 5/10 on the foolish meter. I found MSRP back when the 2017 came out at my 3rd dealership after getting kicked out of 2 others. Then I special ordered the stickers. I think that they look good on the white truck. If I went with the black then I probably would have went without. I would say this guy is at least 7/10. Does anybody have a Raptor tattoo that has the sticker tattooed on as well. I guess that would be 10/10 foolish.