So I had my Eibach’s installed yesterday on my 2019. Took the shop a couple hours only but the alignment shop took forever to get around to my truck. They did ask if I wanted the camber bolts installed but they charged like $200 for parts and labor. The shop that installed my Eibach’s Is located here in Sacramento, hunters 4x4, and only charged me $230 for the install. Alignment was $125. Much cheaper than other shops in the area and they have a 5 Star rating on Yelp.
when I saw my truck it looked great. Pictures don’t do it justice from how different and more aggressive the stance looks compared to in-person. Rides great. Slightly less body roll which I prefer but not a huge difference imo. I’ve driven it around 100 miles since. When I first hopped in to take off I thought the guys readjusted my driver seat because of how it felt but they did not. It was just the lift on the front end. So I could really tell the difference first hopping in. Also, I park in a garage for work with the lowest clearance at 7’0” and my truck fits easily with lots of wiggle room. I highly recommend. Once the weather gets decent I will post some photos of the before and after.