Don't get in a lather, folks been pissy this weekend. Must be the moon or something. Single clunk when you put it in gear or clunk clunk clunk down the road? @Nex has had that problem when a dead hōōker he parked on froze to the driveshaft. I'm hoping that's not it, but if it is, you're in good company.Recently, when I back out of my parking spot first thing in the morning, I have been getting a rather large clunk coming from under my 2019.
Im assuming it is driveshaft related since the noise is rather loud. It has been well below freezing over night and I'm not sure if its temperature related but it only started happening during this cold snap.
I auto start my truck regularly and always back out but I may turn my truck around tonight to see if I get the same sound when driving forward. It goes away after the initial 50 feet of pulling out of my driveway but it has been consistent 3 mornings in a row. I should also note that I am in 4A.
Has anyone ever experienced this?