How much higher does the Alternative Offroad mount sit? I dont mind drilling some holes in the SDHQ mounts if they do infact sit significantly lower. May just order both mounts and see what I like better.
Yes the antenna will get in your way if you run the SDHQ mounts (as this customer did). He originally had the Alternative Offroad mounts but he wanted the lights to sit closer to his windshield and lower. So he went with the SDHQ mounts (we stock/sell both mounts). He had to drill his own holes on the bracket to off-set them a little bit. I'd recommend Alternative Offroad mounts for larger lights, SDHQ for smaller (Squadron) lights.
He does have the amber back-lit wired in as well. I just didn't take a photo. Next time he stops by the shop I'll take some more photos of his truck. He has all his LP series lights wired in for amber back lighting. Combined with the Morimotos we sold him, his howl truck looks mean coming at ya.
The IPT doesn't throw a TON of light out sideways but a little bit to help out.
How much higher does the Alternative Offroad mount sit? I dont mind drilling some holes in the SDHQ mounts if they do infact sit significantly lower. May just order both mounts and see what I like better.