What made him seem like a **** with an attitude to you? Because he disagreed with other people about Audiofrog and tuning principles? Or because he disagreed with selling of protected/territory brands on forums? Protected/territory brands means that they are not supposed to be sold outside of the local shop area I.E online forums are against those rules unless that person is local to you. I had an issue with that before. It sucks but I can understand why the companies do that.
I also disagree with The Car Stereo Company about tuning a 3 way vs 2 way. 3 Way is way easier to tune and get everything playing in their happy place. Also having any speaker out of phase is going to have nasty results. That is all based in physics which can't be argued against...If you get a wider / deeper stage by having speakers out of phase, you definitely messed up something else. If tuned properly where all speakers are having as much constructive interference as possible, this will give you the widest, deepest, best center, etc, you can get with your install and setup.
If you have the better tools like SMAART or SYSTUNE and a microphone array which can then view phase live, it is very easy to get your speakers phase lined up to the best they will ever be. If you use REW, some more time will be spent with sweeps, but still very possible to get your phase lined up nearly perfectly, especially with the newer versions of REW. Getting your phase nearly 100% in phase will give you the best width, depth, center, etc hands down. Again, that is all in physics and how sound waves constructively or destructively interfere with each other. There is no getting around that.