What's the procedure for adding the TCM flash when you've already done the ECM flash. Do you have to uninstall and start over or do you just hook it up and tell it to do the TCM flash. I'm sure I can ask Cobb this question, but how do you add the maps to the AccessPort once you buy from Cobb?
You can purchase the TCM Unlock from COBB or any other authorized dealer, like us.
Once you receive the TCM Unlock Key via email, you hook up your Accessport manager, enter the unlock key, and then update your firmware.
Then, you'll hook your device back up to your truck.
If you're not running the most update ECU tune, I'd flash the most recent file. If you are running the most recent ECU file, leave it as is. The important thing is to just make sure that a COBB ECU file is loaded.
Once you've confirmed and ECU file is loaded, load the TCM file of your choice.