Hi guys im new to this forum can someone please help me i got a p0035 code the other day while towing an empty car trailer, i replaced the oem bov with an em bov still getting the same code i removed the svt tune thinking there was corrupted software, of course svt was closed for me to ask for assistance, i checked the voltage at the em bov after this and am getting 15v i also have an add bumper installed, it was installed prior to purchase, i noticed some people on here saying they were getting that code after install, im totally at a loss and don’t want to drop thousands just replacing parts. This is my first vehicle with a turbo so im new to this. Its a 2018 has 60k on it svt tune , cai , and exhaust done. I did notice one thing while driving cross country during thanksgiving, svt corrected the tire size to match the speedo but when driving home noticed that the speed on the dash was not the same as the speed on the gps the speedo read faster than i was actually driving as per gps. I don’t know if the code could be related to the tune but just found it weird that now i am having problems any help would be really appreciated im not sure what to do now and can’t bring it to the dealership since it was tuned and they will see the different parameters that were set before i removed the tune. I really need help getting rid of the p0035 code
Thanks in advance guys oh also had to hardwire the em bov due to the clip breaking when i was connecting to factory clip