Wouldn't this have to be updated to work with a NEW VIN? I assume there is some cost to have that updated?
I checked with COBB and Winfrey at Goosetuned... And my understanding from BOTH sources is that it CAN be INSTALLED on another vehicle if it is UNINSTALLED from the original.
That is why I posted this image (below again) - to show the current state as "UNISNTALLED" - "NOT INSTALLED". I took that Screen capture just this AM before boxing it up.
I also had Winfrey at Goosetuned walk me through the uninstall procedure and did it 3 times to be as certain as I could that it was uninstalled from my last Raptor. That is about as certain as I think you can get.
This is from the COBB website:
Installed State
The installed state is just as important as whether or not the Accessport is the correct part number. If it is already installed (or “married”) to another vehicle, it will not work on your vehicle. The installed state can be checked by plugging the Accessport into any car (any car with an OBD2 port, compatibility for this step is not required) or computer and completing the steps above or with a quick scroll through the main menu. If “Install” is an option, this Accessport is ready to work on another compatible vehicle. If “Uninstall” is an option, this Accessport will not work on your vehicle until it is uninstalled from the previous vehicle or sent to COBB to be re-licensed.
I am not a COBB expert, but this is what I learned from COBB and Goosetuned. And have seen many sold like this on the forum.
Best I can do to explain with what I understand to be the facts.
Take care,