Well I’ve got more to add to the shock clunk saga. Decided I was pretty tired of the clunk and doubled down on getting the shocks replaced. Went to a different dealer than before and they were much more helpful. Still had to jump through one hoop though. They told me the spare tire winch assembly was making noise. I asked them if I could isolate would they look at the shocks again. They said yes so I uninstalled all that. Still clunked obviously. Although they weren’t just making stuff up. The spare tire winch assembly isn’t entirely quiet, but the sound still should have been easily traceable without that removed. Took it back for them to look at again. The agreed the noise was coming from the rear shocks. Easiest way to replicate and not make any other noises is lay underneath and push the rear bumper up and then drop it back quickly by the way. I asked them to replace the fronts too since manufacturing related things like this tend to not randomly impact just some shocks from the same time range. So they agreed to do both front and rear. They said the part numbers for the shocks are very new (not sure how new is new to them). Shocks showed up in about two weeks. One happened to get damaged in shipping so they replaced the three they had and am waiting on the replacement for the fourth. Glad I got them to do all four because the one corner that didn’t get replaced (front right) definitely makes noise. The rear is so loud when it clunks that it makes it hard to hear anything from the front. Driving over potholes going slow can easily tell the one original shock apart from the new one though. I purposely didn’t check which corner had the original the first time I drove it after the swap to avoid any placebo too.
Is the ride quality better on the new shocks? Honestly hard to tell. Going 15mph can maybe feel the reverberations from the clunk a little, but past that not crazy different. Actuation at low speed is potentially a hair smoother, but again nothing night and day. It’s more peaceful at least. Not that raptors are especially peaceful to begin with, but sometimes I like a little quiet on back streets. Haven’t gotten a chance to thrash it since, but I expect that to be indistinguishable. My only hesitation is maybe the neutered something to get rid of the clunk. Who knows since they say nothing about it. EXT did this with certain mountain bike shocks to appease people who didn’t like the noises. Worst case scenario I have an excuse for aftermarket shocks whenever that rolls around.