Let me start by apologizing. Last thing I wanted to have happen is people get aggravated. I have been off the grid for quite a while. My brother went on for a brain tumor removal at University of Pennsylvania, a well respected hospital. He was golfing two days before the surgery and the surgeon said he would be back golfing in a few weeks. he hasn't walked or talked since. He had no will, no living will, no POA, nothing. They transferred him to a nursing home which is a complete shit hole. I have been trying to get him out since he arrived which included selling his house, buying him a more suitable house and fixing it up to accommodate his condition. I don't have anyone else assisting me with any of this. I am doing this solo. During this time our father passed away, my girlfriends mother was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma and her sister with breast cancer. As of today the nursing home has called adult protective services on me because they said my brother needs 24 hour "Skilled" nursing. Which is not true. 16 hours a day is fine he doesn't need it when he is sleeping. Also they will only release him under AMA (against medical advice) and then there is a possibility his insurance can retroactively deny related paid claims and I would become responsible for. That being said this has just been a ****** up year. My apologies again for going awol but I had to check out of everything unrelated to the family for a while, my mental health was starting to get seriously affected by the stress.
Well, now that I made everyone depressed for the holidays let me get to the parts.
@justinh I totally understand your frustration but I would never screw anyone over. Please remember and look back on this thread. When I first started this I sent people items with no money. They just paid me when they got the items. That was because people thought I was scamming people. As far as the deposit goes, well that was so I just didn't get stuck with the items if people backed out. I just wanted to extend a situation that I had come across due to my work in racing. I think that one of orders just had either a breakdown in the UV/urethane or poor preparation for the gloss stage or both. Either or is unacceptable and it falls on me so regardless I will make it right. I do have 15 or so sets that I ordered that are with me but it may just be easier to refund the purchase.
The money part though, well that is kinda funny, I will put it to you this way, if i showed you a P/L statement of this venture you would just ask "Why"?