Good for you, and too bad for your local dealerships. With so many Californians and others too but CA in particular making out of state buys, you would think that the Raptor market there would improve.
Price differences based on location are rather interesting to me, when you factor in cost of living differences, and how some good and services can be easily purchased from other locations. In some ways, cost of living differences should disappear over time, but there will always be advantages to location, and governments to make it more or less expensive to live in a particular place.
And while I get the concept of spending your money locally, I also think "locally" should work to give you a better product, rather then expecting what amounts to charity.
Related but unrelated, do you buy the girl scout cookies because they're good cookies, or because you want to give them money, and if it's just money, then why disguise it with the cookies?