I have a ‘21 Gen 3 and have had a dozen instances, at the most inopertune times,of not being able to shift out of park and into gear. Local ford dealers have never heard of the problem, yet when searching the issue on Google, is all over the internet .
I can’t find a workaround without dismantling the entire center console. i have found that leaving the vehicle for a period of time allowing the electronics to completely shut down, then returning to the vehicle, unlocking it, depressing the brake pedal and carefully shifting from P into D most times resolves the problem .
Fixes suggested on Google involve rocking the truck back and forth while stuck in park don’t seam to work. Others suggest to replace the brake solenoid interlock…if you can get the part.
I can’t find a workaround without dismantling the entire center console. i have found that leaving the vehicle for a period of time allowing the electronics to completely shut down, then returning to the vehicle, unlocking it, depressing the brake pedal and carefully shifting from P into D most times resolves the problem .
Fixes suggested on Google involve rocking the truck back and forth while stuck in park don’t seam to work. Others suggest to replace the brake solenoid interlock…if you can get the part.