Everyone should already know that a black box, aka Event Data Recorder is installed inside all newer model vehicles. It was originally intended to record stuff like seatbelt usage, speed and brake pedal pressure. However, that was yesteryear. Now it actually films the driver! I will backup a bit. A few days after I took delivery of my CO 37, I was seated in the LF and noticed a small dark tinted window on the left door and above the SYNC 4. After I read the stuff in the owners manual that most people skip, I discovered a camera is behind the tinted window. Ford as well as NTSB indicates the camera is only active during the proceeding 30 seconds of an event. Although I do not know it to be a fact, I have good reason to believe that the camera is on a two minute continuous loop. In my former life, for five years, I was a narcotics cop and I would often write a “sneak and peak” warrant (Google it), to obtain data on a drug dealers vehicle. I won’t go into specifics because I am positive those types of warrants are used today, but I will tell everyone that the black box is always in operation……ALWAYS. READ THE ATTACHMENTS and do your own research. There is a lot of stuff used to monitor people in a “free society“. The first link is off the topic, but it is an example I use to make a point. The second link is about the EDR!