Excellent writeup. Really appreciate the time you take to do it. If only Baja (YOU LISTENING, BAJA????) took the time to write up decent instructions and take decent pics. Maybe even make professional videos of each light they have.
Anyway, when a friend and I (mostly he) installed my baja design pocket kit, I did the lights to the brackets before he came over. I actually called Baja as I saw the light brackets could be put on one way or the other. Didn't notice the directions say they can go either way, that it doesn't matter.
Wrong. It does matter. If you do it one way, the lights will almost, or in your case do, contact the bumper, at least the middle one. Mine is a skosh away from it, at least on one side. As we did not realize I installed the other brackets the other way and those lights I just realized sit half inch to an inch back. I'm going to have to remove them and fix them. The throw is not good as is.
Anyway, when a friend and I (mostly he) installed my baja design pocket kit, I did the lights to the brackets before he came over. I actually called Baja as I saw the light brackets could be put on one way or the other. Didn't notice the directions say they can go either way, that it doesn't matter.
Wrong. It does matter. If you do it one way, the lights will almost, or in your case do, contact the bumper, at least the middle one. Mine is a skosh away from it, at least on one side. As we did not realize I installed the other brackets the other way and those lights I just realized sit half inch to an inch back. I'm going to have to remove them and fix them. The throw is not good as is.
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