Is anyone aware of vendors running a spring/tax season sale beyond the typical 10% offered year round? I need that little extra to push me over the edge and get on with a purchase. I'm not in love with any of the 3 light setups as the inside light seems to be blocked by the cutout, maybe there is a bracket people prefer who are in the same boat.
I'm sold on the baja lights as I had more than a few problems with my rigid setup on my last truck. I like the 3 light per side setup, just not feeling the warm and fuzzy with that inside light.
Edit: Has anyone used 3 squadrons in each pocket, with a wide cornering on the inside, aimed slightly out versus straight on? Would this "solve" my issue of wasted light, make things worse, make no difference at all?
yes. There was a 2017 thread linking to a book face posting in which an owner made his own bracket out of angle aluminum. I found the post, took basic measurements and replicated. first with 2 lights, because B/D doesn’t offer easy financing plans

then I added an outboard squadron sport set to get the project done; by that time Black Friday rolled around and I get a pretty good deal from a supporting vendor here.
No free lunch though, the squadrons are stacked pretty tight to make them fit without the bumper contour interfering. If I remember correctly you need about a 14” section of 2 inch angle aluminum - or steel - to work with. You need to relief cut the outboard section on each side and I also seem to recall I didn’t need the full 14” for this endeavor.
I did this the slow, 3 beer project way - cut it, test fit, cut again, test fit, mark the first hole, drill the first hole, mark the 2nd hole, drill it. next beer, go to the other side, repeat. Measure the opening vs. the bar placement, guesstimate where the lights should go for relatively even placement, crawl back under the truck, test fit light placement front to back, ponder, more beer, ponder more, **** it, drill the first hole, mount the light, admire the work, drill the next one, drink some more beer, admire the work, go to the other side.
The other side remaining work goes much faster; last few sips of the 2nd beer, a few from the 3rd beer, think about wiring work then realize after 3 beers, I probably better not. wire the next day.
I think one reason for the smaller outboard light is that even the squadron sports are painfully bright. the pros are 2x that.
The inboard lights look obstructed here, but further back they look fine.