So I woke to a Ford Pass app notification from 23:07hrs last night saying my remote services had been disabled and the truck was going into a deep sleep mode to preserve battery?
There was no warning prior and I drive ~80 miles a day just to work and back, so it gets a decent charge each day.
Jumped it off the wife’s loaner Jeep while her Expedition Timberline is in the shop and it immediately came back to life and showed 11.5v, jumping to 14v - 14.5v once the truck fired up.
Key lives in a faraday box every night and the spare is in a faraday bag in a safe.
I have recently installed the BD OnX6 light bars so my initial thought was anything there. The Ford Tech done a battery health check and load test and all checked out. He also said the connections for the lights looked well wired, so no obvious issue connected to the install.
My next thought was the FP Tuner/Programmer as it’s plugged in via the OBD port and mounted to the windshield. It was on when I went out to the truck this morning… Could that not going to sleep be enough to cause a truck to go into feel sleep mode overnight to preserve battery life?
Last thought was around the module that control the gear selector and the the module for the 4WD system, as I’ve had the error messages that pop up around those without logging an error code? They clear with my programmer.
It’s booked in now to have the modules looked at, but Ford sent me on my way saying the battery was healthy so they can’t change it without it failing a load test etc. Recommended having a jumper pack on me… Said I didn’t think I should need one as have jumper cables, but if there’s no vehicle to jump from then I guess I’d be goosed…