The new version will be available in about a month. Previous version has been around for several years but not available for us to get. The US has dealers, distributors and then distribution hubs that also are dealers (installers), I am one of the 3 hubs. When I can order I will most definitely let you know. Install interrupts the start circuit no different than a ravelco would but this is digital and hidden in the vehicle. There is a button you can set a pin with and also an encrypted Bluetooth IGLA fob that will authorize it and let it start. The new Kvant 2 also has cellphone app capabilities much like the Bluetooth fob. No big plug to carry, no hole in your lower dash ect. I am not trying to be a d$&@, NY Italian, just out like that

. I am blunt and to the point. Just trying to secure vehicles and not pull wool over peoples eyes like ravelco has done for decades.