I checked around and saw similar topics on other forums, not much on FRF. If I missed it, point me that way!
2018 802a with 38K miles. A/C startup blast out vinegar smell - definitely from the A/C. Found some "solutions" to the problem out there "on the line", so far I have tried:
1. new cabin filter (done)
2. find water leaks and clogged A/C drains (done)
3. spray Lysol in exterior vents under wipers with A/C off and fan on high (done)
4. turn off A/C about 5 minutes before arriving at destination to "blow off" condensation around condenser (done for about a week now)
BTW - #4 is a pain-in-the-arse, never had to do this in my FX4.
STILL blasting out the Masengill air freshener. Tired of apologizing to passengers - "gee why does your badass truck smells like a feminine hygiene product?"
Anyone have any fixes for this?