the 6100 that I had my hands on last week is running 4.5s.
Yes, it is a lot of fluid but my truck with the 4.0s is full "dirt Cadillac" with the long compression out 3 turns , the medium length in 1 turn and the short, prep-bump in 4 turns.
I set my king bumps to 90 psi ( they come at 200) and I'm now pretty dialed with 2 spares, all my tools and all my recovery gear in the truck, plus a cooler with a case of beer and 3 bags of ice.
3.5 or 4.0 as far as " moving beef" is immaterial. Its all about what pressures you're running and getting the compression and rebound dialed.
more fluid = cooler fluid = less shear = longer time between rebuilds + the ability to hit whatever you want.
I also went 18" stroke in the event i decide to go sprung under at a later date.
That being said, once i put extended shackles on the truck, it sits level with a full loadout ( non-HD deaver +3s), I gained almost 4 inches of droop and my SDHQ stainless brakelines are terrifyingly too short. I'm going to get a set of rears made that are 5" longer than the sdhq lines. Once theyre in, I'll measure from full bump to full droop, but I think it'll be in the 24" of wheel travel realm.