I think is pretty smart for specifically targeting fleet sales with the lightening by having a commercial trim. it just makes more sense. At $40k, rebates, and lower cost of maintenance and fuel/energy, it's a good investment. Depending on the job, you're not towing or taking this out of town, so who cares about the range? Ford also gets more of these on the road and more 'truck guys' open to the possibility of having an EV truck themselves. And none of the competition is targeting this segment of the market.
And I think I saw in one of the vids that it can equipped with some tracking data. So an employer not only knows where the truck is at all times, but the speed, energy consumed, etc. Might be something an employer is interested in.
I'm not saying that they don't care about selling the more lux version, as they clearly do, I just think they see potential beyond the young hipsters who need to feel like they are saving the planet.