FRF Addict
I guess I don't understand the sudden attacks on ADD lately. IMO, they are making good quality products since they are selling the shit out of their inventory. Is that not a decent gauge of a company's success. This is the only place that I have seen disparaging comments about their products (to be fair - I don't really look anywhere more than about 3 places). Sure, it hinges on 'unfair' practices that they have the only Gen 2's available for R&D right now, but that in itself is a testament to the creativity of the owner and it's developers gusto to be leaders in the field.
I am the first to admit that I love getting the goat of the Gen 2 fanboys, but I think that the attacks directed towards ADD are somewhat unwarranted. They are correct - it would be totally different if they came on here and said that other builder's products were junk and ADD's were the best. I haven't seen them say that anywhere. We're all just getting sick of seeing the Gen 2's at or in their shop; but I think a lot of that is envy (LOL). That and I totally disagreed with the decision to bring two Gen 2's to TRR and not beat the shit out of them to show us they are better. That was a hell of a chance for Ford to showoff the strengths and weaknesses of the new platform, and they blew it (IMO).
Just my $.02 (for what it's worth these days)
I am the first to admit that I love getting the goat of the Gen 2 fanboys, but I think that the attacks directed towards ADD are somewhat unwarranted. They are correct - it would be totally different if they came on here and said that other builder's products were junk and ADD's were the best. I haven't seen them say that anywhere. We're all just getting sick of seeing the Gen 2's at or in their shop; but I think a lot of that is envy (LOL). That and I totally disagreed with the decision to bring two Gen 2's to TRR and not beat the shit out of them to show us they are better. That was a hell of a chance for Ford to showoff the strengths and weaknesses of the new platform, and they blew it (IMO).
Just my $.02 (for what it's worth these days)