That 58 foot jump turned out perfect, which is why I should have stopped there. All I wanted was some cool pics and a nice video to post up of my performance test of the Fox 3.0's (which are amazing through whoops and jumps).
But then I had to go and look at the HD camcorder footage right away... Couldn't wait. The wind was really blowing a lot of fine sand and too much in the camcorder gearing caused it to grind to a halt just as the truck was about to land - definitely couldn't see the 3.0's do their thing. So decided to do one more jump...
After a several more passes without getting big air, we decided the ruts were getting too deep and shifted a little bit to the right. This made a big difference and after several test passes, I upped it by 5 mph on this last run - no hang ups and it really crested the dune.
Raptor Dune Run- Project X 76 foot Dune Jump - Lil Sahara 2012 - YouTube
Truck soared 76 feet... which was really cool until I landed. I overshot the downslope of the dune and managed to impact the driver's side first - HARD! (Steep learning curve here - We were jumping the left side of the dune so now it makes sense that the truck would tilt more left - this was more noticeable on a longer jump with a flatter landing. Plus the left side is also heavier with full tank of gas and driver weight). Truck with 3.0's held up well.