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FRF Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Mar 2, 2022
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The dude sent me a message and actually sent me money!!!! No not really....but what if he actually did that would of been epic....but he never responded....I think he is on the border mission as i previously said..so maybe that's why he is ghost right now...he is in a uhaul with no service and getting more illegal voters moved in at this very moment I am telling you!

The Car Stereo Company

aka grumpy car stereo guy and frf rolodex
Supporting Member
Jul 8, 2012
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here, on frf
View attachment 449148
Tanks over excitement from this entire thread is truly showing!
speaking of which. molly is in heat right now. it has been about 6 months. she is supposed to be about every 6 months too. im thinking maybe this fall we let tank fire his missles


FRF Addict
Oct 4, 2018
Reaction score
Hi, I am trying to figure out if it is worth taking delivery of my inbound black 24 R. I have a Gen 1 which I love, in black of course. I drove my kid home from the hospital in it, so I will never sell it. I was fortunate to get this allocation as I was actually at the dealer looking at a Bronco. That I did not like, but I mentioned to the salesman that if he ever got an R allocation I would take it. He called the next day, we built it the following. It is scheduled to go into production the week of April the 8th. The sticker is basically 113k, 2k fees, 30 mark up. Personally, I do not have a problem with the mark up, it's an awesome truck. I am 50/50, as it comes down to space for me and too many toys already filling up the garage. Any advice? I could buy it and throw it on cars and bids, but if someone wants to be the original owner, I would sell the allocation for something reasonable. I will not give it away, it is not a TRX :) Thank you for reading. Keep enjoying your trucks
Mr. @durnant :
I would like to agree to your terms and even offer you an extra $10000usd on top. My great-great uncle is a Russian oligarch currently in a Ukrainian prisoner of war camp. Uncle Boris has vast sums of riches and would pay you handsomely for this Raptor R plus $30000usd markup upon his release.
I plea for your kind assistance in obtaining Boris’ freedom.
His bond can be bought for $130000 usd. If you send me the money we will agree to your terms once he is free.
Please send me your Venmo and PayPal account numbers as well as your mother’s maiden name and the name of your first childhood pet.
I look forward to doing business with you.
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