FRF Addict
LMAO....my GF is Jealous,I smile more at the truck than her...and think I wrote in another thread,when she caught me blow-drying it with a leaf blower she threaten to leave me...LOL....!! but only went to get her phone to take a video cause she said her friends wouldnt believe her..!I've had my truck since June 26, of 2016, and I get happy every time I get in it or even look at it in the driveway. Instant stress relief....I'll never get rid of this truck.
I'm thinking on starting a binder to document all the stuff I do to it.
I'm looking at mine as I type this,hope she doesnt come in my office..and ask me why the grin..
Its usually in garage,but went on overnight trip and got home and the 2 guys who do some yard work for me happened to be here,I've owned mine since Jan. and they have been here 3-4 times,but its always hidden...Pulled into driveway and they almost shit,mouths wide open...When did you get THAT..! Took half hour for them to stop drooling...and checking out every inch,in and out...Good thing I dont pay them by the hour.....Now they want a ride next time they come...hummmm.....Whats a ride in a SuperCharged Raptor worth...couple hours work...LMAO..!!
YES,YES,YES....keep EVERY piece of paper you ever get dealing with it..!! Every photo....everything..! I bought my '63 in 1973 and have a file cabinet full of stuff.....Wish I had thought of keeping a log of every place its been,but was my daily driver back then and never thought of it..GOOD IDEA....I do have a small spot in shop with all the photos and trophies over the years...its fun to look back on the life of a vehicle you have owned so long...alot of guys dont go into thinking they will keep something that long,so dont save stuff.....