Search results

  1. Squatting Dog

    Roof mount light bars

    My WSI behind cab dual light bar has no noise until you reach 90 mph and above.. At around 100mph you get a nice loud thump as the cab roof deflects (oil cans) in.. It took Sportscars and myself by surprise a couple of times during the Bullrun. THIS is not going to happen on WSI "normal" light...
  2. Squatting Dog

    WSI lightbar rack

    -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  3. Squatting Dog

    Question on WSI bed mount with Rigid?

    Might not be relevant.. My double stack WSI bedrack puts me a hair over 88" high.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  4. Squatting Dog

    Question on WSI bed mount with Rigid?

    Horrible picture, but you can see with dual 40" on WSI rack it really lights up the roof.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  5. Squatting Dog

    Pop & Lock installed today

    It is actually an option in the menu... Two step unlock.. This will unlock the driverside on one press and all other doors on second press.. As long as you connected the pop and lock to passenger side wires and enable two step unlock on settings. The tailgate will lock with one press and...
  6. Squatting Dog

    RCV axles ---- BIG PROBLEM ----

    IWE system is complete crap... I have beat my head against the wall trying to come up with a fix.. Right now I am at the point of ditching whole 4wd system. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  7. Squatting Dog

    Livernois Motorsports=Raptor HQ

    That is correct.. Working on the "other" limitations with other vendors/suppliers I am bringing onboard.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  8. Squatting Dog

    Livernois Motorsports=Raptor HQ

    And you know this man.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  9. Squatting Dog

    Livernois Motorsports=Raptor HQ

    The Raptor is staying, it is not going anywhere.. Except to some shops to get some "upgrades" -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  10. Squatting Dog

    Top Perch - Fox Shocks (adjusting your shocks to level the Raptor)

    Answered this in another thread.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  11. Squatting Dog

    Livernois Motorsports=Raptor HQ

    Looking forward to "visiting" your shop -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  12. Squatting Dog

    Top perch/methods 2013. PICS!

    2012 and up with Torsen front end can not be any higher than 26.5" high (measured from center of wheel to fender lip).. Until RCV releases generation 2 axles your options are limited... Go back to mid perch with stock shocks or get ICON front coilovers and adjust them to high mid/low top...
  13. Squatting Dog

    got between $1200-$1500 to make some upgrades

    Still rubber on tires. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  14. Squatting Dog

    Official Lower Control Arm Pricing

    I have heard better. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  15. Squatting Dog

    6.2 MBRP turndown exhaust

    Try the link in here.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  16. Squatting Dog

    6.2 MBRP turndown exhaust

    Click the picture to see the video (non tapatalk) this is a clip of everyone leaving Middendorfs restaurant on the way to Nola Motorsports park during the Bullrun. Near the end of the video you can hear my Raptor with MBRP 3.5" turndown during hard acceleration. Keep in mind this exhaust is...
  17. Squatting Dog

    The Bull Run Rally 2013

    click above to see Bullrun 2013 leave Middendorf's seafood restaurant heading to Nola motorsports park... If you want to hear what a totally worn in MBRP 3.5" turndown sounds like under heavy acceleration, listen closely to the end.. :(
  18. Squatting Dog

    Keeps breaking!!

    It is a bad rack, i would bet money, if you took that boot off the end of the rack is snapped.. 2012 and up with torsens generate stupid amounts of torque to the front wheels.. The stock IWE, cv joints, steering can not handle the shock loads produced by the torsen.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  19. Squatting Dog

    Any pro welders out there?

    Bigscott Rat -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  20. Squatting Dog

    Any pro welders out there?

    The way I see it is keeping vendors/fabricators honest.. Questions are good, beating the piss out of products till they fail is good, calling out questionable practices is good. Discussions like this is good for the Raptor community. It keeps everybody honest and the consumer (raptor...
  21. Squatting Dog

    Squatting Dog Racing up to something crazy again

    Actually, if Bullrun fell through this year I was going to do the hot rod power tour, and catch Carlisle nationals on the way back home. I agree with Whtrapta, Sportscars drove the Raptor like it was a sportscar. It surprised me, and a lot of people following us through the hills of Virgina...
  22. Squatting Dog

    Squatting Dog Racing up to something crazy again

    Tires are one year old, q rated (99mph), the load ratings (wheels and tires) are good also... -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  23. Squatting Dog

    Squatting Dog Racing up to something crazy again

    Just want to push the Raptor in every conceivable way.. Do the unexpected (sometimes foolish) and prove to the naysayers how capable the Raptor is in EVERY environment.. -Greg (aka squatting dog)
  24. Squatting Dog

    Squatting Dog Racing up to something crazy again

    If competing in the 2013 Bullrun Rally was not crazy enough.. I am seriously considering entering the Squatting Dog Raptor into the Silver State Classic. I know, I know the Raptor is NOT a race car/truck by any means. Since this is my first year, I will be capped at max...