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  1. Squid 3

    Driver's side mirror after Reverse

    :shrug:Thought I was going crazy (again)
  2. Squid 3

    We want to be your #1 Lighting Vendor!

    This is why I need guys like you. Thank you
  3. Squid 3

    We want to be your #1 Lighting Vendor!

    I gots a question. I want a d2 system but I'm hearing that it puts out to much light for street use. Can I run a set of flood/ amber lights on low beam and flood/ clear on just the high beam? Maybe add a 40" to that as well? all switchable from the aux
  4. Squid 3

    DVD mount for the rear

    Damn it!!!! How do you post pix again?:banghead:
  5. Squid 3

    DVD mount for the rear

    After may long hours of banging my head I came up with, what I think, was a good fix. Using the rear cup holders as a mounting point I made 2 tapered cups out of ABS on my lathe. Inside the cups were threaded expanders. From the top you tighten the expanders using the wing nuts I made. I also...
  6. Squid 3

    Opinion on the dog house...

    maybe matching the fender flairs? Just a thought
  7. Squid 3

    Alpine Nav

    Yes, photos please.
  8. Squid 3

    Short wife and big truck

    Have a 5'3" wife and a 35" 2 year old, neither have a problem getting in and out. All on how you approach it.
  9. Squid 3

    Official LED Puddle Light Group Buy!

    :headbang:Got mine yesterday. Big difference
  10. Squid 3

    Business Card Holder

    My dust collector, or my wifes cell
  11. Squid 3

    August 2012 FRF Raptor of the Month Contest > > > SEXY RAPTOR 2.0 < < <

    why do these things always go down hill?
  12. Squid 3

    a raptor could have easily done this

    That pesky gravity will get ya every time
  13. Squid 3

    Black or Grey?

    Ha!!! I get it:whymewhyme:
  14. Squid 3


    I found that there are so many electronic nannys that it wont let you do anything that'll hurt the beast. just my 2 cents
  15. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    Hell, 20 years ago you could smack your kids and yell "shut the **** up!" Now we have gadgets to keep them entertained. If it were up to me i'd hang a belt from the rear view mirror and just point at it when they get loud. But NOOOOOOOOO. the only way I get some quiet these days was to...
  16. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    Looks like I'll be fabricating a flat surface using the cup holders as a mounting point and running either a small dvd player or a laptop with headphones. Don't know how long I can listen to the Muppets without needing a stiff drink. I'll post pictures. Not of the aftermath. that'll be used...
  17. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    The drive's gonna be about 4+ hours. the kids are 2 1/2 girl and a 6 year old boy. One has a moby go and the other a leapster. We drove to the cape last weekend an before an hour had passed my wife was crying in the front seat. ( Hence looking for a bridge abutment) I have allot of experience...
  18. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    Problem is that I'm going to see a grandparent. Would't look right showing up without the little buggers. Was thinking about a designing a table or mount of some type that goes into the rear cup holders that can hold a DVD player or computer. Does this even exist or do I have a project on my hands?
  19. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    Yeah, good thinking to change it. Don't want some of the bleeding hearts to get the wrong idea. Can ya put em in a trailer?:crazy:
  20. Squid 3

    Keepin the children entertained

    The family and I are taking a trip with the raptor and I'm gonna need to keep those little buggers of mine entertained or I'll drive into a bridge abutment!!! Looking for a set of headrest DVD players. anyone done this? Is it a pain? who makes the good ones? Should I just go buy...
  21. Squid 3

    Official LED Puddle Light Group Buy!

    That SUCKS!!! sending you happy thought and may the flees of a thousand camels infest the privates of the person who absconded your truck.
  22. Squid 3

    New Bed Extender Idea!

    HEENEDUTY Someone shoot this man!!!
  23. Squid 3

    June Wall of Fame Pic

    This get's my vote!!!