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  1. grendel

    Prediction: Raptor R ends up casualty of Ukraine/Russia war…

    Always a good idea. Raw data here: I've attached a spreadsheet with Year One analysis for both administrations. Alternatively, Google the following words and pick any news source you prefer: "oil permits biden trump"...
  2. grendel

    Prediction: Raptor R ends up casualty of Ukraine/Russia war…

    That's a good point, but we're talking about gasoline prices. Gasoline is a refined product. Hence, my focus there. The US has huge refining capability and, as such, imports petroleum. To comlpicte it more, it's not a zero sum game. For example, in 2018 when the US because a net exporter of...
  3. grendel

    Prediction: Raptor R ends up casualty of Ukraine/Russia war…

    Where do people get this? That statement is 100% false. Biden has approved more oil drilling in the United States in his first year in office than Trump did in his first, second or third years. Trump is slightly ahead in his 4th then where Biden is in year one. Pure, 100% nonsense.
  4. grendel

    Prediction: Raptor R ends up casualty of Ukraine/Russia war…

    The US is (and has been for over a decade) the #1 exporter of refined petroleum products in the world! What is more oil going to do? Why would private oil companies sell refined products in the US when the profit is larger selling overseas? "Moar oil production!" and expansion of drilling...
  5. grendel

    Market abuse

    I’d be happy to place an order for a Raptor R when that order book opens up. And I’d ensure you get a nice, large, cash “thank you” for ensuring it’s placed. :)
  6. grendel

    Market abuse

    “Abuse?” Capitalism is a bitch, ain’t it? If the market sustains the prices, they are finding a balance in the market. Sure…I’d prefer to pay less, but that’s not how our market works.