So my time in Germany is coming to an end next year and there is a 90% chance I'll be moving to a location where I won't drive the truck for a year guaranteed and possibly two years. The truck would stay with my parents and be registered in the greater Seattle area with minimal usage and miles during this time.
Currently pay $722 a month and have 11,500 miles, currently owe $45,200 at 1.94% so by the time I leave owed value would be around $37K. Estimating another 8500 miles before I leave Germany, truck value for Seattle is 49,650.
With that being said, would you sell your truck under the following condions
- One year paying an additonal $280 each month for the entire year and come back owing roughly $20K.
- Sell when I leave Germany, pocket 5-8k and save an additional $1300 a month from gas, note, insurance?
- Go for two years, keep the truck in Seattle and return with it paid off and $20K in the bank?
- Go for two years, sell the truck and come back with $50k in the bank and buy a 2017 Raptor?
Basically I'm asking if you could part with your truck for 2 years? I don't need to sell it, I don't want to sell it, I can afford the truck, gas, insurance, mods, maxed out IRA and additional money in savings every month. Plus who knows if the 2017 Raptor will even exist or be as awesome...
And no I'm not parting it out yet.
Currently pay $722 a month and have 11,500 miles, currently owe $45,200 at 1.94% so by the time I leave owed value would be around $37K. Estimating another 8500 miles before I leave Germany, truck value for Seattle is 49,650.
With that being said, would you sell your truck under the following condions
- One year paying an additonal $280 each month for the entire year and come back owing roughly $20K.
- Sell when I leave Germany, pocket 5-8k and save an additional $1300 a month from gas, note, insurance?
- Go for two years, keep the truck in Seattle and return with it paid off and $20K in the bank?
- Go for two years, sell the truck and come back with $50k in the bank and buy a 2017 Raptor?
Basically I'm asking if you could part with your truck for 2 years? I don't need to sell it, I don't want to sell it, I can afford the truck, gas, insurance, mods, maxed out IRA and additional money in savings every month. Plus who knows if the 2017 Raptor will even exist or be as awesome...
And no I'm not parting it out yet.