SECTION 205-04: Front Drive Halfshafts 2014 F-150 Workshop Manual
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Procedure revision date: 10/25/2013
Special Tool(s) Halfshaft Remover
Slide Hammer
100-001 T50T-100-A
Item Part Number Description
1 1131 Dust cap
2 N802827-S100 Wheel hub nut
3 W520215 Tie-rod end nut
4 W520215 Upper ball joint nut
5 W505211 Integrated Wheel End (IWE) bolts (3 required)
6 — Vacuum vent and apply tube
7 — Wheel speed sensor harness bracket bolt
8 — Wheel speed sensor harness bracket (part of 2C204)
9 — Brake flexible hose retainer (part of 2078)
10 W611633 Brake flexible hose bracket bolt
Removal and Installation
NOTICE: Whenever a halfshaft is removed, install a new circlip and stub shaft pilot bearing seal or damage to the component may occur.
With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist. For additional information, refer to Section 100-02 .
Remove the dust cap.
Remove and discard the wheel hub nut.
To install, tighten the new wheel hub nut to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).
Remove the wheel speed sensor harness bracket bolt and position the wheel speed sensor harness aside.
To install, tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
Detach the brake flexible hose retainer from the wheel speed sensor harness.
Remove the brake flexible hose bracket bolt and disconnect the brake flexible hose bracket from the wheel knuckle.
To install, tighten to 30 Nm (22 lb-ft).
Remove the vacuum vent and apply tube at the vacuum vent and apply tube port of the Integrated Wheel End (IWE) disconnect.
Remove the 3 IWE bolts.
To install, tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
Remove and discard the tie-rod end nut.
Disconnect the tie-rod end from the wheel knuckle.
To install, tighten the new tie-rod end nut to 115 Nm (85 lb-ft).
Remove and discard the upper ball joint nut.
Disconnect the upper ball joint from the wheel knuckle.
To install, tighten the new upper ball joint nut to 150 Nm (111 lb-ft).
NOTE: Do not damage the hub seal.
NOTE: Allow the steering knuckle to swing outboard while keeping the CV shaft pushed inboard.
Once clearance is available, remove the CV shaft joint outboard end and IWE disconnect from the steering knuckle hub bearing.
Remove the IWE disconnect from the outboard CV joint housing.
Using the Halfshaft Remover and Slide Hammer, remove the halfshaft from the differential and the intermediate shaft.
Remove and discard the circlip and the stub shaft seal. For additional information, refer to Section 205-03 .
NOTICE: Verify the spline engagement by checking for spline lash before installing the halfshaft nut or component damage may occur.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.