I have the ADD Chase rack with light bar on my truck. Before you say take it off, I kinda like how it looks. Now the chase rack used to have the center wheel mount on it, and somewhere along the line someone cut it off. There is a little clean up I need to to to the remnants of the previous bars, but I have 3 tabs that used to house bolts to hold on a cover. What could I put in these or use them for in the future. I do plan on having a Yaesu FTM-300D mounted into it in the near term future, but was leaning towards a roof mounted antenna, but not set in stone. I also thought maybe some amber marker lights, but don't have my mind set on anything. Attaching photo of what I am talking about and one of how the rack originally looked. 2nd Image was taken from SCAR911's post. Zoom in on the back side of my rack on the left and you can see the tabs I am talking about.