Oil Sampling... I looked into doing this a couple of years ago but couldn't justify the cost. The cost isn't a lot, and it would be cool if one of you guys with Dyno and Engine tear down experience would do oil samples on his Raptor and post what he finds. I wouldn't know what the heck I was looking at. Here is what one place checks on standard auto oil samples:
Oil Analyzers Inc. Testing Package for Automotive/Light Truck (Engine Oil)
Spectrographic Analysis Reported in Parts Per Million (PPM)
Wear Metals
Iron Chromium Lead Copper Aluminum Nickel Silver Titanium
Aluma/Silica (dirt) Potassium Sodium Water Soot (Diesel) Solids (Gasoline)
Engine Oil Additives
Boron Magnesium Calcium Barium Phosphorus Zinc Molybdenum
Physical Properties
Viscosity @ 1000C cSt Coolant Fuel %
Additional Tests
TBN (Base Number) Oxidation Nitration
Graphical Analysis ( 3 or more consecutive tests)
Analysis Recommendations (Based on test results and condemning limits)
Here is the web site:
http://tinyurl.com/29jtapa there are others that do the same service.
What gave me pause is the sampling port... Naval Aircraft engines have them and you take a sample after engine start and warm-up. Then QA runs the sample and the aircraft isn't released for flight until it comes back good. I don't think the Raptor has one <G>.
There are a lot of tightly held opinions in the lubrication world... oil sampling is always a hotly contested topic. For us, the main thing is to determine the most accurate method for our motor(s) and then be as consistent as possible. Perhaps you motorheads could undertake this as a discussion topic on the board here, and once consensus is reached someone who's wife has a good job <G> could start taking samples, and you guys could discuss the results. Whilst us lurkers watch and chime in on occasion telling you how smart you guys are and how lucky we are just to know you <G>.
Should solve the question of "How long does oil last" in a Raptor... Or at the very least be good spectator sport <G>.
Here is a great site called "Machinery Lubrication" which explains the whole sampling process in detail, and talks to the pluses an minuses in laymans terms. The article stems from a Naval Air Training command paper on the subject, and is an interesting read if you are interested in Auto engine oil sampling.
A Drop in the Bucket for Engine Oil Sampling:
World Class Oil Sampling - it is possible:
The Oil sampling Dog Fight:
Gheeze-o-pete... makes me think I am a Maintenance Chief signing "Safe for Flight" certification again at the Naval Air Test and Evaluation Squadron ONE (VX-1) again. All in all, not a bad memory <G>.
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