Just got done replacing all of the small diameter crispy crunchy vac. lines for the IWES on my truck. I accumulated a TON of hoses, tees, connectors, fittings, adapters, and everything I could dream to be useful. I ended up using about 10-12 feet of 1/8" id silicone hose. It was pretty nice and flexible.
About 10-12 zip ties to the factory clips/ mounting points.
A new check valve. One tee and one connector which I could have avoided (in front of radiator) had I had one length of hose long enough to go side to side.
I probably spent half hour 45 minutes. Factory vent tubing still in place. Hopefully that crunchy stuff doesn't allow any water, dirt, debris in. But I have yet to submerge my truck or anything. All seemed good in the driveway checking it out. Best I have seen so far. Will see next time going down the road. Hopefully no more 2WD noises.