While I like the idea I know my limitations. No good could come from me trying to modify this to work the way I want it too and while I can make almost anything functional it's never eactly right and will look like crap. I'm determined to do this right for once thus I'll keep my hand off most things....though I imagin a silicone sleve would do the trick I just really want something build for the application i use....I am also concernec about the tuning. If I superhcharge I
ll likely go the roush route and get a calibrated tune. I can't find a local tuner that i have the amount of faith in i want and I am a bit gun shy on mailed tunes....I don't want a bunch of saftey settings just turned off so it works. I want it done right.
I do like to Volant intake and that funny looking filter though...I'm not sold on the "ram air" scoop thing though. I'll probably give it a try but it is the one thing I am not sold on yet for the intake