Oh forgot to mention why the lca were off today.
To finish installing the KHC lca alignment slot delete stage 1 kit.
Some fun facts about this kit:
-Steve and Joe at KHC are f*ckin awesome and helped me troubleshoot and answers some questions I had.
-There isn’t any way to “line up” the inner supports on the mounts(there is no secondary small alignment hole)
-Though fact one above prob isn’t a big deal since there are bushings in the lca, straight is always better.
After you get the far most front plate and farthest rear brace set in place using the small alignment holes, RUN A PIECE OF 3/4 ALL THREAD ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE LCA MOUNTS. Just be sure to add your inner plates as you are pushing it through.
-Then I cheated and just welded them all in place, except the rear brace that the sway at goes through.
This made it sooo easy to install and ensures an exact straight line for mounting the lca.