But this isn't someone coming in here looking to buy his first Raptor. It's someone who already owns one that is identical in almost every single way as the newer one he's looking at. "Waiting" isn't so bad in this case.
I'd say waiting for something new is a lot less insane then buying something that is in large part, identical to what you already have.
I think where the disconnect lies is that you are try to answer this question by beginning with a statement posed as a universal, objective fact when it is just an opinion.
what I am bringing to the table is that I have lived this experience. I went from a 2017 to a 2019 and, for previously discussed reasons, it was 100 percent worth it and a definite improvement/upgrade
Now, what constitutes a “worth while” upgrade is up to the OP, but he obviously thinks that there is enough of a difference to pose the question
All of this to say, while neither of us is correct or “wrong” so to speak, I would say that my actual experience of the upgrade and real world time with BOTH vehicles is probably worth a bit more than some random person typing on the internet that he thinks the vehicles are identical and to wait it out for an upgrade with no concrete time frame.
So OP to answer your question, yes In my experience it was worth it. And that factors in changes and difference paid from my 17 to 19. Obviously there are variables that will skew you answer, but the fact is that there are upgrades and it does change the experience.