My wife’s ‘17 just started making this noise about 2months ago and it has about 45k miles. It only makes this sound in the morning on first start, and it isn’t everyday, but usually. Never made this noise prior to 2months ago.
We took it to Ford and they explained that it is a timing chain issue where the internal chain tensioners relax overnight and causes that sound on cold starts. They had a new engine computer code release that potentially could fix the issue instead of tearing the engine apart to fix. We were the second truck they tried it on. Worked on the first truck they tried, and our truck seemed to be fixed after the computer update, but several days later it started rattling again in the mornings.
They told us eventually we will need to schedule the mechanical fix, but there is only one guy in their shop capable to do the fix and it sounded labor intensive. His schedule is like 2 months out to get to us. They also replace the timing chain during this repair is what we were told.