Trey Palreiro's first TEXAS RAPTOR RUN was a huge success. I was there helping run registration with my lovely wife. 50 Raptors showed up, from bone stock to barely-a-Raptor-anymore. Jerrod Jones, editor in chief of OFF ROAD Magazine was there. Greg Foutz (ace fabricator of Ford's full race Raptor that was canceled by Ford's BOD) ( chickens), was in attendance. Everyone was running hard, day and night. Big smiles everywhere. Texana Ranch is amazing. There was an evening tour watching the Adacs, elk, camels, long horn cattle and other exotic beasts being fed. Over the radio on Saturday I heard, "Everyone slow up, buffalo on the course." Where else can you get that?! Trey's BBQ was the best. Trey gave me a ride on the course in his own Raptor...what an amazing vehicle. In my opinion, RPG's little incident was caused by a change in course from good traction on the off road course to slick traction on the caliche ranch road just before the cattle guard. Carried just a little too much speed, nothing more. The RPG suspension parts got moved but didn't bend at all. Quality stuff. Can't wait for Trey to produce this event again, and I think he will!