I wanted to update my thread. I was having issues with my first Skar amp getting hot enough to go into thermal shutdown. It at times got frying pan hot. I had it replaced under warranty and Bruce
@Hush Car Audio was a great help, as usual. The new one was OK when I was moving, but I had sat at the range with someone for about 1/2 hour with the truck running and when I left and turned up the stereo it went into thermal shutdown after about 10 minutes. The replacement amp runs much cooler than my first hot potato did, but still gets fairly hot easily. I'm guessing maybe that's the cost of a small sized amp? I found a nice 12" piece of T6 1/8" aluminum on Amazon for $20 and made a new mounting plate so it could act as a big heat sink.
I figured since obviously these amps run on the hot side, I would come up with a fix. I spaced out the amp about 1/2" from the plate. I also wired in a USB port by the amp and plugged in a pair of 4.5" dual ball bearing 3 speed Infinity fans ($20) to put at the amp, one vertical and one horizontal. They are small, caged, and silent, even on high speed.
The plastic plate/storage partition that runs the whole width of the truck under the rear seat keeps any air flow from going through, so I drilled a series of 3/4" holes evenly spaced across it so it looks somewhat factory. I know one of the holes got a little high, before you ****'s bust my balls! I need to get a drill press, the drill walked a little on me.

It also seems like this reduced the muffling from the seat. I know I probably went overboard on the cooling, but it sure did work. The amp now is nearly cool to the touch, even after it's on for a long time. Cost was minimal and not too much work.
I also wanted to give people a heads up that I found that I can no longer fold the rear seat up with the Skar sub in place. It's not something I ever do, so I didn't realize it until last week. I did remove all the carpet and insulation behind the sub, and that did give me more room, but not enough. The seat will fold up to within a few inches of where it would latch, but it's not going all the way unless I can figure out a way to move the seat a little bit forward. It might latch if I really forced it, but I'm not doing that on a new truck! I didn't realize that when you fold up the back seat, the whole assembly moves towards the rear as if it's on a cam, it's not just a straight pivot mechanism. There is a heavy bar that runs along the rear of the seat that moves back when you lift up the seat. That thick bar is what hits the sub. I put 2 pieces of 3/4 plywood on the sub to protect the speaker cone from that bar for now.
Any ideas on how to slightly move the seat forward? It doesn't need much. Thanks.